Szukałam ostatnio kwiatowego wzoru: tapety lub papieru,
do wyklejenia wnętrza starej walizki. Trudno się zdecydować który ładniejszy :(
Jeszcze ta wiosna w pełni rozkwitu - jestem totalnie zakwiatowana.
Chyba dlatego właśnie powstał całkowicie nowy i inny naszyjnik kwiatowy :)
Biżuteria do kupienia na /
Jewellery to buy at
Jewellery to buy at
I was looking for a flower pattern recently: wallpaper or paper,to refresh the interior of the old suitcase.
It's hard to decide which is nicer :(
Even this spring in full bloom - probably in my head also flowers blooms.
That's probably why I created a completely new and different flower necklace :)
It's hard to decide which is nicer :(
Even this spring in full bloom - probably in my head also flowers blooms.
That's probably why I created a completely new and different flower necklace :)
artystyczna, biżuteria autorska, rękodzieło, hand-made, kamienie
półszlachetne, upominek, prezent, dla kobiety, broszka, naszyjnik, wisior,
artistic jewelry, author's jewelry , handicraft, hand-made, semi-precious stones, souvenir, gift, for women, brooch, necklace, pendant,
artistic jewelry, author's jewelry , handicraft, hand-made, semi-precious stones, souvenir, gift, for women, brooch, necklace, pendant,
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